Our Strategy

The RHN will place patient care at the heart of all we do and be the ‘go to’ place for neuro-disability expertise, making it a place of choice for our patients, prospective staff and referring commissioners.

The Path to Excellence

The strategies published in 2016 and 2018 were both centred on the theme of “Fix it, then Grow it”.

Having made considerable progress during the years that have followed, the theme of the new strategy focusses on achieving excellence.We have captured a new vision for the future. The wording of our mission has been simplified since 2018, and the values, which were created following engagement meetings with all staff in 2015/2016, remain unchanged.

Our Vision

We will be the national centre of excellence for neuro-disability.

Our Mission

Providing outstanding care and empowering individuals with neuro-disability, enabling them to live their lives to their fullest potential in accordance with their wishes.

Our Values

  •  Seeing the whole person
  • Willingness to learn
  • Delivery on promises
  • Honesty and integrity